
Introducing Students to New Interests

Middle school is an amazing time of discovery! Our Exploratory course offerings are a part of the core curriculum at Antioch Middle and are intentionally designed to expose students to new learning and engage them in their areas of interest.

Our courses include:

  • Fine arts that cultivate exploration, imagination, and appreciation
  • Physical education that establishes a foundation for a lifetime of health and wellness
  • STEM and Coding that encourage critical thinking and problem-solving
  • AVID that supports college readiness

Grace 6 Choices

In Grade 6, students get to experience four different Exploratory courses (from among Coding, STEM, Visual Art, Physical Education 1, Physical Education 2, and AVID College Prep). Students who wish to begin music studies can opt to join year-long Band or Chorus.

Grade 7 Choices

In Grade 7, students can choose:

  • Two quarter-long Exploratory courses and one semester-long Exploratory course OR
  • Year-long Band, Chorus, or AVID Elective

Grade 8 Choices

In Grade 8, students can choose:

  • Two semester-long Exploratory courses OR
  • Year-long Band, Chorus, or AVID Elective